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A court in St. Petersburg, Russia, sent two members of a neo-Nazi group behind bars for life for the murder of several African immigrants, North Caucasians and anti-fascist activists in St. Petersburg and Moscow over the past several years.

Dozens of armed Israeli settlers attacked residents of Qusra village in the northern West Bank, as Israeli troops broke up a an anti-settlement rally in Iraq Burin and conducted raids across the occupied territory.

Jello Biafra, legendary lead singer of the Dead Kennadys, is refusing to cancel a scheduled gig in Tel Aviv, instead offering to "debate" the issue with sanctions advocates.

The mosque in the village of Maghayer near Ramallah suffered damage and threatening graffiti in a pre-dawn vandal attack—with scrawled slogans calling it a "price tag" by Israeli settlers.

Thousands of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv in support of a return to the 1967 borders—as the IDF fired on protesters attempting to cross the Golan Heights ceasefire line from Syria, leaving several dead.

The Abu Alkiyan Bedouin clan pledge to resist their forcible relocation to make way for a new Jewish town outside Beersheba. Israel says the clan is illegally squatting state lands—although it was transferred there in 1956 by military order.

A new bill in the Knesset would change Jerusalem neighborhoods with Arabic names to Hebrew ones—while Mayor Nir Barakat said the municipality would continue to build Jewish-only housing regardless of "political issues."