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Content about Ruling Class

January 5, 2013

Leftists are ironically rallying around Chuck Hagel as Obama's apparent pick for Secretary of Defense—a conservative Republican who is wary of the neocons but close to Big Oil.

Talk of former Republican Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel's imminent nomination as Obama's new Secreaty of Defense has sparked all the predictable reactions—but they don't neatly break down along lines of right and left. MondoWeiss says the pick is "setting up a battle between the left and r

August 2, 2012

Romney's notorious comments in Jerusalem were not only deeply racist to the Palestinians, but played into the anti-Semitic trope of the shrewd money-grubbing Jewish "Shylock."

You knew this was gonna be bad, but racist—and anti-Semitic?

February 2, 2012

"Anonymous" attacked the website of the neo-Nazi outfit American Third Position, splashing internal e-mails on the group's homepage—to reveal that the "A3P" white supremacists are a well integrated into Ron Paul's political machine! 

Us old-school lefties have been wondering for a quite some time, which is more annoying—the legions of "Anonymous" hacktivists who think that faceless adventurism is the cutting-edge of revolution, or Ron Paul supporters who think that this ultra-reactionary Republ

January 18, 2012

Foreign Policy magazine cites US intelligence memos to the effect that Mossad agents recruited militants from the Iranian terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as CIA agents in a "false flag" operation. Does this make sense?

Does it get any murkier than this? The conspirosphere is abuzz with claims aired in Foreign Policy magazine Jan.

December 21, 2011

Did Tom Friedman vindicate the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis by writing that Bibi's standing ovation at Congress was "bought and paid for" by the Israel Lobby? Well, no...

In what is a practically choreographed media spectacle, a prominent pundit spouts off about the power of the Israel Lobby, Walt and/or Mearsheimer cheer him on for vindicating their thesis that powerful Jews control the American empire, while neocons and the self-appointed guardians of Jewish interests assail him for anti-Semitism.

December 17, 2011

The simultaneous mainstreaming of the seemingly opposed phenomena of anti-Semitism and anti-Arab racism appears contradictory—for those whose thinking lacks dialectical spark.

The simultaneous mainstreaming of the seemingly opposed phenomena of anti-Semitism and anti-Arab racism appears contradictory—for those whose thinking lacks dialectical spark. Even though it is now only the most hardcore fringe elements of the radical right that espouse both, do not be deluded.

September 8, 2011

FBI entrapment tactics so often used against Muslims in bogus "terrorism" cases were used against Stewart Nozette in a bogus "Israeli espionage" case. Yet there is practically no overlap among those who protest these respective abuses. Why is that?

Maryland-based scientist and Energy Department veteran Stewart Nozette pleaded guilty to attempted espionage in federal court and faces 13 years in prison, the Washington Post informs us Sept. 7.

August 12, 2011

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America. 

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America.