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Content about israel lobby

December 7, 2017

If Trump is seeking to appease the Christian fundamentalist element of his base with his pledge to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, this should hardly be comforting to Jews. The evangelical fundis see Jewish control of Jerusalem only as fulfillment of Bible prophecies portending the End Times. What makes this wackiness dangerous is that with nuclear weapons, the human race now has the capacity to bring about the foreseen rain of fire and brimstone.

Palestinian activists burned pictures of Donald Trump in Bethlehem in response to his Dec. 6 announcement that his administration will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

December 5, 2016

Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, a hard-right Zionist appointed to be "special envoy" to the Middle East, is also a sleazy New York landlord. Way to play into the anti-Semitic stereotypes, Donald and Jared.

New York's The Villager newspaper provides a profile of Jared Kushner, president-elect Trump's Orthodox Jewish son-in-law who  is apparently being considered as "sp

September 26, 2016

Trump pledged to Netanyahu that he would "recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital" of Israel. Will American Jews take this bait—despite his open blocking with neo-Nazis?

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at New York's Trump Tower on Sept.

April 17, 2016

It is a real moral and political victory that the first US presidential candidate to break with Washington's anti-Palestinian consensus is a Jewish guy.

We've had our criticisms of Benie Sanders. And up till now, he has been very cautious on the question of Palestine.

March 23, 2016

Paul Waldman's Washington Post commentary on Clinton's AIPAC speech accuses her of being to the "right" of Trump on Israel, but Trump is actually playing to the paleocon right—not the left!

"Hillary Clinton gets to Donald Trump's right on Israel." That's the dead, dangerously wrong headline in a March 21 Washington Post op-ed by Paul Waldman.

August 21, 2014

Common Dreams website claims to have conducted an investigation revealing that "more than a thousand" anti-Semitic comments posted to the site "were written with deceptive purpose."

The lefty Common Dreams website claims to have conducted an investigation revealing that "more than a thousand" anti-Semitic comments posted to the site over the past two years "were written with a deceptive purpose by a Jewish Harvard graduate in his thirties who was irritated by the website's discussion of iss

January 27, 2014

Mayor de Blasio's closed-doors meeting with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) plays into the worst stereotypes about Jews. No thanks, Bill.

Pretty hysterical irony. Gawker reported Jan.

June 6, 2013

Samantha Power's appointment as UN ambassador may signal a determination on the part of the Obama administration that intervention in Syria is inevitable.

The usual frustrating mess.

January 5, 2013

Leftists are ironically rallying around Chuck Hagel as Obama's apparent pick for Secretary of Defense—a conservative Republican who is wary of the neocons but close to Big Oil.

Talk of former Republican Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel's imminent nomination as Obama's new Secreaty of Defense has sparked all the predictable reactions—but they don't neatly break down along lines of right and left. MondoWeiss says the pick is "setting up a battle between the left and r

September 5, 2012

Obama capitulates at the last minute and puts wording in the Democratic platform calling for an undivided Jerusalem. Now who exactly is getting "thrown under the bus"?


December 21, 2011

Did Tom Friedman vindicate the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis by writing that Bibi's standing ovation at Congress was "bought and paid for" by the Israel Lobby? Well, no...

In what is a practically choreographed media spectacle, a prominent pundit spouts off about the power of the Israel Lobby, Walt and/or Mearsheimer cheer him on for vindicating their thesis that powerful Jews control the American empire, while neocons and the self-appointed guardians of Jewish interests assail him for anti-Semitism.

September 30, 2011

John Mearshiemer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, provides a jacket blurb for Hitler apologist Gilad Atzmon's new book. Will progressives balk at calling him out for fear of legitimizing bogus charges of anti-Semitism?

The problems with the ritual squawking that "anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism" have rarely been made so clear as in the egregious faux pas just committed by John Mearsheimer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and

July 8, 2011

In a resolution that passed 406-6, the US House of Representatives threatened to cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority if it pursues recognition of statehood outside of negotiations with Israel. 

In a resolution that passed 406-6, the US House of Representatives on July 7 threatened to cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority if it pursues recognition of statehood outside of negotiations with Israel.

July 7, 2011

As participants in the Gaza flotilla return to the US, their ships impounded by the Greek coast guard, Israel and the blockade-busters are waging a propaganda war to spin the affair before world opinion.

The French-flagged Dignite, which slipped past the Greek coast guard bound for Gaza earlier this week, was detained by the coast guard while refueling in Crete July 7. A Greek official told CNN that the ship would not be allowed to continue on to Gaza.

July 3, 2011

Viral video campaigns aimed at delegitimizing the Gaza flotilla are intellectually dishonest—and have the distinct whiff of Israeli intelligence propaganda.

The Internet has certainly been abuzz with viral video campaigns aimed at delegitimizing the latest Gaza flotilla. Nearly all are intellectually dishonest—and some have the distinct whiff of Israeli intelligence propaganda operations.

June 3, 2011

When the megagroup calling itself USA for Africa recorded “We Are the World” in 1985, no one put out an opposition message. But a new international effort called “Freedom for Palestine” is having a little more trouble getting its message out.

When the megagroup calling itself USA for Africa recorded “We Are the World” in 1985, no one put out an opposition message. But a new international effort called “Freedom for Palestine” is having a little more trouble getting its message out.

May 26, 2011

Rae Abileah, who interrupted Bibi Netanyahu's speech before Congress, claims she was beaten by AIPAC activists—as congressmen cheered Bibi's plans to illegally annex chunks of "Judea and Samaria."

May 26, 2011

The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.

February 13, 2011

Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles chapter leader Estee Chandler discovered a "WANTED for treason and incitement against Jews" poster plastered on her front porch.

On Feb. 2, Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles chapter leader Estee Chandler discovered a "WANTED for treason and incitement against Jews" poster plastered on her front porch. The photo featured her picture, workplace, and most disturbingly, names of nieces and nephew, as well as charges about "anti-Jewish" activity. Jewish Voice for Peace is a national organization with 27 chapters, dedicated to ending Israel’s occupation and promoting a just US foreign policy that recognizes the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.