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Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, a hard-right Zionist appointed to be "special envoy" to the Middle East, is also a sleazy New York landlord. Way to play into the anti-Semitic stereotypes, Donald and Jared.

The appointment of Stephen Bannon, head of "alt-right" (read: white nationalist) Breitbart News, as Trump's senior counselor removes any doubt about the new order that awaits the United States.

Here's a shocking truth for media outlets to consider: remembering a man's impact without whitewashing the man in his entirety is actually honest journalism. Let's discuss Elie Wiesel.

...and more on the endlessly hurtful conflation of Zionism and Judaism. 

It is a real moral and political victory that the first US presidential candidate to break with Washington's anti-Palestinian consensus is a Jewish guy.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a key supporter of Bernie Sanders, is also a supporter of the genocidal dictatorship of Bashar Assad. Bernie's partisans urgently need to call him on this.

Paul Waldman's Washington Post commentary on Clinton's AIPAC speech accuses her of being to the "right" of Trump on Israel, but Trump is actually playing to the paleocon right—not the left!