MK Ben-Ari shamelessly pays African asylum seekers to swim in a Tel Aviv pool in order to "prove" that liberal Tel Avivians are only liberals until they have to swim next to Africans.
The racist MK Michael Ben-Ari (no relation with author) and Kahanist resident of the Jewish settlement in Hebron, Itamar Ben Gvir, have reched a new low.
On David Horowitz's Front Page Mag, Phyllis Chesler exploits Lara Logan's sexual abuse in Tahrir Square to portray the Egyptian revolution as a hatefest of Islamic extremism.
As we've pointed out, the right is divided on the Egyptian and Arab revolutions—between neocons who have deluded themselves into thinking the Egyptians are following their "regime change" playbook, and more hardcore Islamophobes who can see only a fundamentalist threat in
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