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The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.

An Israeli security firm that recently made headlines when WikiLeaks revealed its numerous intrigues in Latin America has now been named as recruiting mercenaries in West Africa to fight for the Libyan dictator's embattled regime.

Disgraced NPR exec Ron Schiller merely stated the obvious by calling the Tea Party movement racist—but then went on to engage in a racist trope himself with his canard that the media is "owned" by the Jews. Why has anti-Semitism, traditionally a bugaboo of the right, become acceptable on the left?

The push to tweak the 14th Amendment ominously coincides with a mainstreaming of pro-Confederacy revisionism—pointing to the emergence of a homegrown American fascism. 

On David Horowitz's Front Page Mag, Phyllis Chesler exploits Lara Logan's sexual abuse in Tahrir Square to portray the Egyptian revolution as a hatefest of Islamic extremism.

Its been a bad week for the 9-11 conspiranoia set. First, the Pentagon shooter appears to have emerged from within their milieu; now Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad weighs in for their wackiness in the most vulgar terms.

We just had to call out Cuban elder statesman and global rad-left icon Fidel Castro for his recent embrace of right-wing conspiracy theory (which nearly always has strong undertones, at least, of anti-Semitism). So we are particularly