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Content about Black Sea

March 17, 2014

Putin's propagandists have everything invested in exaggerating the fascist threat in Ukraine, while the "MSM" in the West have everything invested in denying it.

Hillel Cohen, Ukraine director of the Jewish ambulance corps Hatzalah, was stabbed the night of March 14 in Kiev by a group of men who reportedly hurled anti-Semitic slurs during the attack—making him the third Jew to be assaulted, and the second to be stabbed, in the city since January.

July 18, 2012

Five Israeli tourists are blown up at a Bulgarian resort. Netanyahu wastes not a minute in blaming Hezbollah. Conspiranoid websites waste not a minute in calling it an Israeli "false flag" attack. Birds of a feather.

No surprises here. A bomb goes off in a tour bus in the Black Sea resort city of Burgas, Bulgaria, killing five Israelis and wounding some 30. Netanyahu wastes not a minute: "All signs point to Iran. In just the past few months we've seen Iran try to target Israelis in Thailand, India, Georgia, Cyprus and more. The murderous Iranian terror continues to target innocent people.