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Content about Employment Relation

April 24, 2013

Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release. He had gone without food 266 days.

Long term hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action on April 23 after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release, his lawyer Jawad Bolous said. The deal will see Issawi released to his hometown of Jerusalem after serving eight months in jail, after

April 6, 2013

For a fourth consecutive day, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. 

For a fourth consecutive day April 5, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. The fiercest clashes took place in Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood in the center of Hebron April 4 after the funeral procession.

September 14, 2012

In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.

Our hopes that with this eleventh anniversary of 9-11 the world was finally moving on from the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT have sure been dashed over the past few days.

December 5, 2011

US ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman calls out Israeli inflammation of European anti-Semitism—but in terms that smack of denial about the extent and depth of the problem.

A Dec. 3 report on YNet is aghast at the heretical comments by the US ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman—without actually bothering to quote them. We are treated only to a paraphrase:

February 18, 2011

A Homeland Security memo states that Jared Loughner—primary suspect in the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords—is "possibly linked" to the white supremacist American Renaissance.

Although no other evidence is given, Fox News on Jan. 9 quoted a Department of Homeland Security memo stating that Jared Lee Loughner—primary suspect in the previous day's shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson—is "possibly linked" to American Renaissance, a self-styled far-right think-tank that DHS says promotes views that are "anti-government, anti-immigration, anti-ZOG [Zionist Occupational Government], anti-Semitic."