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Content about Tunisia

September 14, 2012

In the wave of protest over a provocateur-produced "film" dissing the Prophet Mohammed, jihadists could be seizing back the initiative from secular revolutionaries in the Arab world.

Our hopes that with this eleventh anniversary of 9-11 the world was finally moving on from the dystopian dialectic of jihad-versus-GWOT have sure been dashed over the past few days.

April 22, 2012

Thousands of Holocaust survivors from North Africa remain unrecognized by the State of Israel and are ineligible for compensation. The Jewish Agency delayed their emigration to Israel until after 1953—the cut-off year for Holocaust restitution.

On April 18, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel's Public Committee for the Integration of Eastern Jews called attention to the fact that North African Jews who survived the Holocaust remain unrecognized by the State of Israel and are ineligible for compensation.

February 7, 2012

Egyptian authorities cancelled the annual Jewish pilgrimage to the grave of a 19th-century Moroccan rabbi Yaakov Abu Hasira in the Nile Delta village of Daymouta, after Islamists threatened to protest and attack the pilgrims.

We've been following how Jews are faring in the post-revolutionary Arab world, and have noted positive signs from Tunisia and mixed signals from Libya.

December 10, 2011

Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom appealed to Tunisian Jews to emigrate to Israel following elections that brought a moderate Islamist party to power—but was publicly rebuffed by leaders of the North African country's Jewish community.

Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom made another call on the Tunisian Jewish community to immigrate to Israel, this time at a Jerusalem ceremony in honor of Tunisian victims of the Holocaust on Dec. 7. The Tunisia-born Shalom said, "I call on the Jews living in Tunisia to come and live in Israel as soon as possible."

November 4, 2011

Veteran French Resistance fighter Stéphane Hessel calls Israel's treatment of the Palestinians an "outrage" and violation of international law.

Stéphane Hessel, 93-year-old hero of the French Resistance, urges a new generation to renew the struggle for social justice in his book Indignez-vous! (rendered in translation as Time for Outrage!)—released just in time for the Occupy Wall Street protests.

May 26, 2011

The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.

February 15, 2011

Initial media reports that protesters had burned down an ancient synagogue in the Tunisian city of Gabes were later refuted, with accusations of provocation by ex-regime members.

Initial media reports that protesters had burned down an ancient synagogue in the Tunisian city of Gabes were later refuted, with accusations of provocation by ex-regime members.

Reuters, AFP and other wire services reported Feb. 1 that a synagogue was set aflame by arsonists in the Tunisian city of Gabes overnight, in a wave of nocturnal violence that also affected the capital. "I condemn this action and I believe those who did it want to create divisions between Jews and Muslims in Tunisia who have lived for decades in peace," said local Jewish community leader Peres Trabelsi. "What especially shocked me was the fact that there was a police force not far from the synagogue when it was attacked," he added. However, later the same day, AFP retracted the story, saying without elaboration that their sources had withdrawn the accusation.