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August 21, 2014

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speec that Israel had "failed" in its assault on Gaza and called upon the Palestinian negotiating delegation in Cairo to return home.

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speech on Aug.

July 12, 2014

Fierce clashes broke out across the West Bank between Israeli troops and young Palestinian men protesting the ongoing military offensive against the Gaza Strip.

Fierce clashes broke out across the West Bank late Friday July 11 between Israeli troops and young Palestinian men protesting the ongoing military offensive against the Gaza Strip. In Ramallah in the central West Bank, Palestinian protestors on Saturday morning used rocks to block the road to an Israeli military base near the town of Sinjel in the north.

June 4, 2014

Sixty hunger-striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, out of over 100 now striking in protest of "administrative detention."

Sixty hunger striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, a prisoner rights group said June 3. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said in a statement that the number of prisoners hunger striking in the Beersheba prison of Eshel had reached 60 and that each of the strikers was being held in solitary confinement. A spokesman for the Isra

February 19, 2014

Israeli forces bulldozed five structures belonging to a Bedouin community in East Jerusalem that had years earlier been displaced from its lands in the Negev.

Israeli forces on Feb.

December 26, 2013

On Christmas Eve, Israeli forces destroyed two "illegal" Bedouin villages in the West Bank, followed two days later by another such demolition in the Negev.

The UN Palestine refugee agency on Dec.

July 10, 2013

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal.

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on July 9. The protest marked the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal and called for its removal. Activists declared the

March 21, 2013

As President Obama arrived in Israel,  security forces surrounded a new tent village erected by Palestinian activists to protest the new settlement corridor east of Jerusalem. 

Israeli forces on March 20 surrounded a new tent village erected by Palestinian activists in Eizariya east of Jerusalem. An Israeli military spokeswoman said hundreds of Palestinians established "an illegal settlement" and that security forces were in the area "to maintain order." She said soldiers arrested the driver of a truck loaded with equipment including tent

November 19, 2012

Ariel Sharon's son in the Jerusalem Post calls for "flattening Gaza" and invokes Hiroshima, as Operation Pillar of Cloud continues. Over 100 Palestinians have been killed in the strikes.

In news that shocked the world Nov. 18, an Israeli bomb destroyed a Gaza City home, killing 11 people, including nine from three generations of a single family—from a grandmother to a two-year-old child.

October 25, 2012

A right-wing "Identity Group" seized a mosque in Poitiers, issuing a "declaration of war" against the "Islamization" of France—weeks after a bomb attack on a kosher shop in Paris. 

The interminable divide-and-rule game between Muslims and Jews worldwide goes on, with the latest maddening development in France.

August 3, 2012

Holocaust-denying comments by a Hamas official win international coverage, while an Israeli military invasion of al-Aqsa Mosque received practically no mainstream reportage.

Hamas spewed some predictable ugliness about a Palestinian official's visit to the site of the Auschwitz death camp in Poland—and the mainstream and Zionist press predictably plays it for all it is worth. Ziad al-Bandak, an adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas, made the visit this week, prompting Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum t

May 11, 2012

Hebrew-themed charter schools in New York and DC openly indoctrinate in Zionist propaganda, while a Toronto madrassa spews Nazi-like Jew-hatred. Yet all the outrage only goes one way or the other...

Well, it's been a busy few weeks for those, such as ourselves, who follow such ugliness.

September 29, 2011

In defiance of pressure from the European Union, Russia and Turkey as well as Arab states, Israel insists it intends to go ahead with he newly announced construction of 1,100 Jewish homes in Gilo on annexed land close to East Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sept. 28 rejected Western and Arab complaints that the newly announced construction of 1,100 Jewish homes in Gilo on annexed land close to East Jerusalem would hurt efforts to revive the peace process.

August 15, 2011

5,000 Palestinian refugees have been forced to flee a camp in the Syrian port of Latakia amid shelling by government forces, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

Some 5,000 Palestinian refugees have been forced to flee a camp in the Syrian port of Latakia amid shelling by government forces, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

July 7, 2011

As participants in the Gaza flotilla return to the US, their ships impounded by the Greek coast guard, Israel and the blockade-busters are waging a propaganda war to spin the affair before world opinion.

The French-flagged Dignite, which slipped past the Greek coast guard bound for Gaza earlier this week, was detained by the coast guard while refueling in Crete July 7. A Greek official told CNN that the ship would not be allowed to continue on to Gaza.

July 1, 2011

The Audacity of Hope, US-registered lead ship in the Gaza aid flotilla, was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard just some 20 minutes outside the port of Perama. Athens says all ships bound for Gaza will be prohibited from leaving Greek ports.

The Audacity of Hope, US-registered lead ship in the latest Gaza aid flotilla, was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard just some 20 minutes outside the port of Perama on July 1. Dimitris Delavekouras, a spokesman for the Greek Foreign Ministry, confirmed that the vessel had been detained. Athens warned that all ships bound for Gaza will be prohibited from leaving Greek ports.

March 25, 2011

Israeli warplanes launched air-strikes on targets across the Gaza Strip, injuring at least 17 people including seven children—hours after Hamas pledged to commit to a truce if Israel stops bombarding the Strip. 

Israeli warplanes targeted sites across the Gaza Strip late March 21, injuring at least 17 people including seven children, witnesses and medics said. Ten people arrived at Ash-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and seven others were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in the north. An airstrike in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City caused considerable damage but no injuries, residents said. An Israeli military spokesman said that the attack targeted two "terror tunnels, two weapons manufacturing and storage facilities, and two additional terror activities sites."

The official emphasized that the attack came in response to the barrage of projectiles fired toward Israeli territory over the past week, including 50 on March 19 for which Hamas claimed responsibility. Among the targets were a police post and a training facility of Hamas' military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, which a day earlier offered to stop cross-border fire into Israel if the Israelis halted attacks on Gaza.