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Did Tom Friedman vindicate the Walt-Mearsheimer thesis by writing that Bibi's standing ovation at Congress was "bought and paid for" by the Israel Lobby? Well, no...

Max Blumenthal uncovers some nasty coordination between Israeli and US police forces in the arts of domestic repression—but casting the problem as Israeli influence over US institutions is racist bunk.

US ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman calls out Israeli inflammation of European anti-Semitism—but in terms that smack of denial about the extent and depth of the problem.

A wave of anti-Semitism in Lithuania is seized upon by Israeli commentators to delegitimize Lithuania's vote for Palestine's UNESCO entry. Meanwhile, Israel's own UN ambassador is caught in a photo-op with French ultra-rightist Marine Le Pen...

Is the "Jewish People's Liberation Organization from Zionism and Anti-Semitism" (J-PLO) secular and progressive? Comrades, we want to hear from you.

Yes, really. Do a Google search for the word "Jew." Note that before the search results a special note from Google appears, titled "An explanation of our search results." Is there any other ethnic group that Google has had to issue such a disclaimer for? 

Members of U.S. Congress move to impose severe economic penalties on Palestine if it continues to seek statehood. This is an offense against the "democratic" values that both the U.S. and Israel purport to uphold.