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John Mearshiemer, co-author of The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, provides a jacket blurb for Hitler apologist Gilad Atzmon's new book. Will progressives balk at calling him out for fear of legitimizing bogus charges of anti-Semitism?

Ten Muslim students at UC Irvine face six months in prison for violating the free speech rights of the Israeli ambassador at a campus presentation. But isn't this sentence a violation of their free speech rights?

The Occupy Wall Street movement is refreshingly independent from the usual sectarian factions that control left-wing protests in New York—but was called by Adbusters magazine, which activists have let off the hook for egregious anti-Semitism.

The "Truthies" and sectarians who protested in downtown Manhattan continue to fetishize 9-11 as much as the patriots they loathe. For both the patriots and the protesters, it is all about the USA—while the Muslim world is finally moving on. 

Xenophobes and Christian fundamentalists are behind the anti-sharia measures now passed or pending in more than a dozen states—but secular progressives resist efforts to impose sharia on the unwilling in the Muslim world. Can we avoid confusion?

FBI entrapment tactics so often used against Muslims in bogus "terrorism" cases were used against Stewart Nozette in a bogus "Israeli espionage" case. Yet there is practically no overlap among those who protest these respective abuses. Why is that?

Is there a formal boycott of Whole Foods? And if there is, is there a dichotomy between boycotting it and the boycott-divestment-sanctions movement for Palestinian  self-determination?