FBI entrapment tactics so often used against Muslims in bogus "terrorism" cases were used against Stewart Nozette in a bogus "Israeli espionage" case. Yet there is practically no overlap among those who protest these respective abuses. Why is that?
Is there a formal boycott of Whole Foods? And if there is, is there a dichotomy between boycotting it and the boycott-divestment-sanctions movement for Palestinian self-determination?
I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America.
The Arabs who defend the Jewish protesters in Tel Aviv against anti-Semitic canards are to be supported. As are those Jewish protesters who vocally repudiate the expropriation of the Palestinians.
A visit to Israel by PLA chief of staff Gen. Chen Bingde to meet with IDF chief of staff Lt.-Gen.Benny Gantz signals an effort by China and Israel to rebuild military ties despite US pressure on Tel Aviv.
Militant West Bank settlers have joined the Tel Aviv tent town protest, pitching a line that aggressive settlement of the Occupied Territory is the solution to the crisis. Will the protest movement take the bait?
Israeli pundit Caroline Glick, cited in the Oslo bomber's manifesto, rails that the struggle against "multiculturalism" (read: Islam) should not falter in the wake of the attacks—while more conspiranoids claim a Mossad "false flag" operation.
Egypt's Gama’a Islamia has re-emerged with a threat to clear Cario's Tahrir Square of "liberals and traitors" ahead of this Friday's protest mobilization. The threat comes on the heels of violent clashes between protesters and regime elements.
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