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The demolition of a mosque near the Golden Temple of Dambulla—a Buddhist cave-temple in central Sri Lanka—bears echoes of the 1992 destruction of the Ayodhya mosque in India, which ultimately led to the Gujarat genocide.

In the wake of last month's kill-spree in southern France, lines across the blogosphere are drawn predictably, indicating the near-complete polarization and lack of any dialectical spark in contemporary thinking on the question of anti-Semitism.

What the hell are Dennis Bernstein and Michael Lerner doing by embracing an open Jew-hater with a website full of Holocaust revisionism and anti-Semitic tropes? Has the "left" hit bottom yet? Has it completely abandoned progressive values?

WikiLeaks and Anonymous team up to target Stratfor, winning favorable alterno-coverage. Predictably, nobody is talking about WikiLeaks' continued silence on charges of complicity with grave human rights abuses in Belarus.

There are doubtless many good reasons to oppose Henrique Capriles Radonski, the bourgeois politician who is challenging Hugo Chávez for Venezuela's presidency. His Jewish background is equally assuredly not among them.

Two years ago when we reported revelations that two Czech NATO commanders in Afghanistan had worn Nazi SS regalia while on duty, everyone told us it was an isolated incident and not to make a big deal of it. What do you say now, pronoiacs?

Al-Iman Mosque in The Bronx is hosting a small Jewish congregation that lost its storefront shul. Congregants on both sides have left in protest, but rabbis and imams alike say they are getting along just fine.