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Content about America

January 5, 2013

Leftists are ironically rallying around Chuck Hagel as Obama's apparent pick for Secretary of Defense—a conservative Republican who is wary of the neocons but close to Big Oil.

Talk of former Republican Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel's imminent nomination as Obama's new Secreaty of Defense has sparked all the predictable reactions—but they don't neatly break down along lines of right and left. MondoWeiss says the pick is "setting up a battle between the left and r

August 9, 2012

Calling the accused perp in the Oak Creek massacre "insane" misses the point in a fatal way. His atrocity was a political act, and the reply must be political, not therapeutic.

The Aug. 6 massacre of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis. is revealing in its reactions from across the spectrum, but let's start with Mitt Romney.

January 18, 2012

Foreign Policy magazine cites US intelligence memos to the effect that Mossad agents recruited militants from the Iranian terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as CIA agents in a "false flag" operation. Does this make sense?

Does it get any murkier than this? The conspirosphere is abuzz with claims aired in Foreign Policy magazine Jan.

August 12, 2011

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America. 

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America.

July 23, 2011

Europe's right-wing media voices all jumped to the al-Qaeda thesis in the Oslo terror attack—but it now emerges the perpetrator is a lone right-wing extremist who evidences the predictable Islamophobic rhetoric in his Internet footprint.

The blood was not even dry from the July 22 coordinated bomb blast and shooting rampage in Oslo that left at least 94 dead before Britain's The Telegraph was asking in a headline, "Oslo explosion: Is

June 24, 2011

The Obama administration argues that the bombardment of Libya does not constitute "hostilities," to weasel out of the War Power Act restrictions—while anti-war commentators ignore the fact that Libya's rebels avidly support the bombing.

The House of Representatives on June 24 voted 295-123 against a resolution authorizing US participation in the NATO campaign in Libya, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama's decision to wage war without congressional approval.

June 18, 2011

In a truly ghastly spectacle, the professional Islamophobe set is descending like a flock of vultures on Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner, portraying her as a jihadist agent in a subversive anti-American conspiracy.

In a truly ghastly spectacle, the professional Islamophobe set is descending like a flock of vultures on Huma Abedin, the new wife of New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, who has notoriously just stepped down after being caught in a "sexting" scandal.

May 31, 2011

Tzfat is supposed to be the land where Kabbalah was born. What I found in Tzfat was rampant racism toward Arabs and the Jewish Ethiopians. It was sort of like being in the Deep South pre-civil rights movement.

May 26, 2011

The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.

February 18, 2011

A few years ago it was only voices such as Scott Ritter and the ever-dependable Counterpunch that employed right-wing nationalist rhetoric about how the United States has surrendered its sovereignty to Israel, complete with sentimental