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Content about Barack Obama

September 7, 2012

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he would resign if that was the will of the people, amid growing protests across the West Bank over the rising cost of living.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad on Sept.

September 5, 2012

Obama capitulates at the last minute and puts wording in the Democratic platform calling for an undivided Jerusalem. Now who exactly is getting "thrown under the bus"?


December 5, 2011

US ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman calls out Israeli inflammation of European anti-Semitism—but in terms that smack of denial about the extent and depth of the problem.

A Dec. 3 report on YNet is aghast at the heretical comments by the US ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman—without actually bothering to quote them. We are treated only to a paraphrase:

October 17, 2011

Reuters reports that Saudi officials advised Argentina about an Iran-backed plot to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington. Meanwhile, US and/or Israeli agents have carried out three assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists this year.

A new allegation has emerged in the supposed plot by agents of Iran's elite Quds Force to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, which resulted in federal indictments being unsealed in M

June 24, 2011

The Obama administration argues that the bombardment of Libya does not constitute "hostilities," to weasel out of the War Power Act restrictions—while anti-war commentators ignore the fact that Libya's rebels avidly support the bombing.

The House of Representatives on June 24 voted 295-123 against a resolution authorizing US participation in the NATO campaign in Libya, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama's decision to wage war without congressional approval.

June 9, 2011

Following recent charges that Israeli spook firms are recruiting mercenaries for Qaddafi come claims that the CIA is recruiting mercenaries for the Libyan rebels. 

May 26, 2011

The myopic Israeli leadership seem not to get that Obama's statement on the 1967 borders is part of his effort to domesticate the Arab Spring—which is in their own interests.

February 18, 2011

A few years ago it was only voices such as Scott Ritter and the ever-dependable Counterpunch that employed right-wing nationalist rhetoric about how the United States has surrendered its sovereignty to Israel, complete with sentimental