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Content about boycotts of israel

August 12, 2011

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America. 

I'm finding it wearisome to be so focused on Israeli issues when most of the people who eat up all the bad shit about Israel and boycott Israeli products kowtow to one of the most sordid companies in America.

July 11, 2011

The Knesset has just passed a law banning calls for a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The Israel-based website BoycottIsrael! remains online at the moment, and it will be interesting to see if any action is taken against it.

We have had plenty of occasion to point out before: Isn't it funny that those who invoke the supposed superiority of Western culture the loudest are the quickest to betray those values which supposedly make it superior (pluralism, tolerance, etc.)?

June 22, 2011

Two leading lights of the US Green Party, Jello Biafra and Cynthia McKinney, have betrayed the party's platform and values by loaning support to Israel and Qaddafi, respectively.

Two leading lights of the US Green Party, Jello Biafra and Cynthia McKinney, have betrayed the party's platform and values by loaning support to Israel and Qaddafi, respectively. If the Green Party wishes to maintain any legitimacy, it must quickly repudiate them.

June 9, 2011

Jello Biafra, legendary lead singer of the Dead Kennadys, is refusing to cancel a scheduled gig in Tel Aviv, instead offering to "debate" the issue with sanctions advocates.