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Content about Fatah

May 21, 2014

Imprisoned Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat announced that they will go on hunger strike in solidarity with "administrative detainees" who are refusing food.

Jailed Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat have announced that they will go on hunger strike May 21, a senior official said. Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Qaraqe said that over 120 Palestinian prisoners, including the two jailed leaders, will go on hunger strike for one day in support of administrative detainees who have been refusing meals for nearly four week

December 19, 2013

Some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are strangely unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Damascus refugee camp now besieged by Syrian regime forces.

Isn't it utterly absurd that there are some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and utterly unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus now besieged by forces loyal to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad... and vice versa...? A brutal winter storm in the region has exacerbated the suffering in both blockaded enclaves, and most Palestinians assuredly grasp the obvious symmetry. In some quarters, however, a sort of ideological blindness seems to prevail: Assad's apologists are of course outraged at the agony in Gaza, but find that in Yarmouk invisible. The US State Department, in turn, exploits Yarmouk for propaganda against Assad, while displaying no such concern for Gaza...

July 10, 2013

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal.

Palestinian youths smashed holes in Israel's separation wall in East Jerusalem on July 9. The protest marked the ninth anniversary of an International Court of Justice advisory opinion that ruled the wall illegal and called for its removal. Activists declared the

April 2, 2012

Released document reveal that the Civil Administration in the West Bank has for years covertly mapped available land, naming the parcels after existing Jewish settlements, with an eye toward expanding these communities.

It came to light in Israel last month that the Civil Administration in the West Bank has for years been covertly identifying and mapping available land, and naming the parcels after existing Jewish settlements, evidently with an eye toward expanding these communities.

January 21, 2012

The Zionist propaganda machine is having a field day with the latest call from the Mufti of Jerusalem to "fight the Jews"—as Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman continues to call for "transfer."

The Zionist propaganda machine (e.g. Palestinian Media Watch

January 5, 2012

Amid growing tensions in the Persian Gulf, the US and Israel are preparing to hold the largest missile defense exercise in the history of the Jewish state. The drill will involve the deployment of thousands of US troops to Israel.

Amid growing tensions in the Persian Gulf, the US and Israel are preparing to hold the largest missile defense exercise in the history of the Jewish state. Last month, Lt.-Gen.

November 20, 2011

A funeral procession in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar erupted into clashes with Israeli forces after a Jewish settler fired on the group and Palestinian mourners responded by throwing stones. Israeli forces fired tear gas and live bullets.

A funeral procession in the West Ban town of Beit Ummar erupted into clashes between Israeli forces and locals on Nov. 20, after a man in an unmarked vehicle, initially identified as a Jewish settler, fired towards the group and Palestinian mourners responded by throwing stones. Israeli forces shortly arrived at the scene, and started firing tear gas at the Palestinians.

November 4, 2011

The Israeli government said it will move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as a rebuttal to UNESCO's decision to grant Palestine full-member status. The US meanwhile cut funds to UNESCO.

The Israeli government immediately said it would move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" as a rebuttal to UNESCO's Oct. 31 decision to grant Palestine full-member status. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a forum of eight senior ministers formally decided the next day to initiate a new wave of settlement construction on the West Bank.

May 30, 2011

West Bank settlers reportedly set fire to Palestinian agricultural lands near Nablus after being evicted by Israeli troops from nearby Joseph's Tomb, which they again attempted to occupy.