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Content about Human geography

February 5, 2014

Demolition teams destroyed three Palestinian homes and forced a man to demolish his own home in East Jerusalem, leaving 28 homeless and sparking street clashes.

Demolition teams from the Jerusalem municipality on Feb.

December 19, 2013

Some 150 Sudanese migrants abandoned a desert prison camp to march cross-country on Jerusalem in protest of Israel's draconian new anti-immigration law.

In the most dramatic demonstration ever staged by African refugees in Israel, some 150 Sudanese men who have been detained for months at the sprawling Saharonim prison camp in the desert south marched cross-country on Jerusalem, and on Dec. 18 protested outside the government compound there.

December 29, 2011

Even as the Israeli government turns more East Jerusalem land over to hardline Jewish settlers, ultra-orthodox Jews clashed with police at Beit Shemesh suburb over a crackdown on their attempts to enforce gender segregation.

The Jerusalem city council's district planning committee on Dec. 28 approved plans for a large tourism complex in the flashpoint neighborhood of Silwan, just south of the Old City. The project is to be built on a plot of land currently being used as a parking lot opposite the Dung Gate, main entrance to the Western Wall and the Old City's Jewish Quarter.

May 27, 2011

Following an activist campaign, British Prime Minister David Cameron's name has been dropped from the list of honorary patrons of  the Jewish National Fund-UK—accused of complicity in the displacement of Palestinians.

Following a campaign by the Stop the JNF Campaign, British Prime Minister David Cameron's name has apparently been dropped from the list of honorary patrons of the