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Content about Human migration

May 17, 2015

Several Palestinians including a journalist were injured when Israeli forces opened fire on a march in the eastern Nablus village of Huwwara commemorating the Nakba.

Several Palestinians including a journalist were injured when Israeli forces opened fire on a march in the eastern Nablus village of Huwwara commemorating the Nakba on May 16.

November 8, 2014

The Egyptian army is destroying hundreds of Bedouin homes along the Gaza border to create a "security zone," while the Israeli army razed more Bedouin homes on the West Bank.

At Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip, local Bedouin families are emptying their homes, loading belongings into vans as soldiers look on from armored cars. At eight border villages, 680 houses—homes to 1,165 families—are being demolished to create a "security zone." Residents were ordered to evacuate on 48 hours notice.

September 18, 2014

Eight Palestinian migrants from Gaza survived a devastating shipwreck near Malta, with dozens feared dead. The majority of those on board were Syrians and Palestinians.

The director of the Euro-Mid Observer For Human Rights said Sept.

December 26, 2013

On Christmas Eve, Israeli forces destroyed two "illegal" Bedouin villages in the West Bank, followed two days later by another such demolition in the Negev.

The UN Palestine refugee agency on Dec.

December 19, 2013

Some 150 Sudanese migrants abandoned a desert prison camp to march cross-country on Jerusalem in protest of Israel's draconian new anti-immigration law.

In the most dramatic demonstration ever staged by African refugees in Israel, some 150 Sudanese men who have been detained for months at the sprawling Saharonim prison camp in the desert south marched cross-country on Jerusalem, and on Dec. 18 protested outside the government compound there.

March 9, 2013

The Israeli high court dismissed an appeal by an "unrecognized" Bedouin village demanding access to water. A land titling plan for the Bedouin is being blocked by the military.

On Feb. 20, the Israeli Supreme Court dismissed an appeal by residents of the "unrecognized" Bedouin village of Umm El-Hiran in the Negev demanding access to drinking water. The Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel filed the appeal on behalf of the village's 500 residents.

February 2, 2012

Three months after Tunisia's first post-revolutionary elections brought the  moderate-Islamist Ennahda party to power, the country's Jewish leaders say they have no intention of making aliyah—despite the urgings of Israel.

Three months after Tunisia's first post-revolutionary elections brought the  moderate-Islamist Ennahda party to power, the country's Jewish leaders told the BBC (in comments picked up by Israel's YNet Jan. 31) that they have no intention of making aliyah.

July 7, 2011

A new report by UN  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon into the violence along the Israeli-Lebanon border on Nakba Day harshly criticizes the Israeli army for using unnecessary force in firing on protesters.

A new report by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon into the violence along the Israeli-Lebanon border on Nakba Day harshly criticizes the Israeli army for using unnecessary force in firing on protesters.

May 27, 2011

Following an activist campaign, British Prime Minister David Cameron's name has been dropped from the list of honorary patrons of  the Jewish National Fund-UK—accused of complicity in the displacement of Palestinians.

Following a campaign by the Stop the JNF Campaign, British Prime Minister David Cameron's name has apparently been dropped from the list of honorary patrons of the 

February 15, 2011

Initial media reports that protesters had burned down an ancient synagogue in the Tunisian city of Gabes were later refuted, with accusations of provocation by ex-regime members.

Initial media reports that protesters had burned down an ancient synagogue in the Tunisian city of Gabes were later refuted, with accusations of provocation by ex-regime members.

Reuters, AFP and other wire services reported Feb. 1 that a synagogue was set aflame by arsonists in the Tunisian city of Gabes overnight, in a wave of nocturnal violence that also affected the capital. "I condemn this action and I believe those who did it want to create divisions between Jews and Muslims in Tunisia who have lived for decades in peace," said local Jewish community leader Peres Trabelsi. "What especially shocked me was the fact that there was a police force not far from the synagogue when it was attacked," he added. However, later the same day, AFP retracted the story, saying without elaboration that their sources had withdrawn the accusation.