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Content about Palestinian prisoners in Israel

May 17, 2015

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan continues his open hunger-strike that he started 12 days ago, demanding an end to his administrative detention by Israel.

Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, 37, continues his open hunger-strike that he started 12 days ago, demanding an end to his administrative detention by Israel, the Palestinian Prisoner's Society says.

June 30, 2014

As Palestinian prisoners announced an end to their two-month hunger strike, some 1,000 African migrants at an Israeli detention center in the Negev desert started one.

Dozens of Palestinian prisoners announced an end to their two-month hunger strike, despite not winning any pledge by the Israeli government to end use of "administrative detention." Shawqi Eissa, the Palesitian minister of prisoners affairs, said June 25 that 63 prisoners agreed a deal and suspended their protest shortly after midnigh

June 4, 2014

Sixty hunger-striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, out of over 100 now striking in protest of "administrative detention."

Sixty hunger striking Palestinians in Israel's Eshel prison are being held in solitary confinement, a prisoner rights group said June 3. The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said in a statement that the number of prisoners hunger striking in the Beersheba prison of Eshel had reached 60 and that each of the strikers was being held in solitary confinement. A spokesman for the Isra

May 21, 2014

Imprisoned Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat announced that they will go on hunger strike in solidarity with "administrative detainees" who are refusing food.

Jailed Palestinian leaders Marwan Barghouthi and Ahmad Saadat have announced that they will go on hunger strike May 21, a senior official said. Minister of Prisoners' Affairs Issa Qaraqe said that over 120 Palestinian prisoners, including the two jailed leaders, will go on hunger strike for one day in support of administrative detainees who have been refusing meals for nearly four week

May 4, 2014

Over 100 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails began their tenth day of hunger strike on May 3, and three have been taken to a medical center for treatment.

Over 100 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails began their tenth day of hunger strike on May 3, and three have been taken to a medical center for treatment, a prisoners' rights group said.

December 23, 2013

Israeli authorities released Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi, who waged one of the longest hunger strikes in history, freeing him to return to his East Jerusalem home.

The Israeli prison service released prominent Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi on the evening of Dec.

June 7, 2013

Demonstrators in the West Bank joined mass protests to mark the Global March to Jerusalem, and dozens were lightly injured as Israeli forces tried to disperse them. 

Demonstrators in the West Bank on June 7 joined mass protests to mark the Global March to Jerusalem, and dozens were lightly injured as Israeli forces tried to disperse them. In al-Maasara, near Bethlehem, participants in a weekly march suffered tear-gas inhalation.

April 24, 2013

Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release. He had gone without food 266 days.

Long term hunger striker Samer Issawi ended his protest action on April 23 after signing an agreement with Israel which guarantees his release, his lawyer Jawad Bolous said. The deal will see Issawi released to his hometown of Jerusalem after serving eight months in jail, after

April 18, 2013

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. 3,000 detainees in Israel's prisons refused food to mark the day.

Long-term hunger striker Samer Issawi on April 17 called for "rage and solidarity" to mark Palestinian Prisoners Day. "Greetings to all without exception.

April 6, 2013

For a fourth consecutive day, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. 

For a fourth consecutive day April 5, young Palestinians in Hebron clashed with Israeli troops in protests over the death of an elderly prisoner in Israeli custody. The fiercest clashes took place in Bab al-Zawiya neighborhood in the center of Hebron April 4 after the funeral procession.

May 16, 2012

Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli facilities agreed to an Egyptian-brokered deal ending the strikes in exchange for improved conditions and a pledge to release the detainees at the end of their "administrative detention" terms.

Palestinian prisoners on long-term hunger strike agreed May 14 to a deal ending the strikes in exchange for improved conditions. The Egyptian-brokered deal to end the mass hunger strike in Israeli facilities will see the prisoners—including Bilal Diab and Thaer Halahla on a 77-day strike—released at the end of their "administrative detention" terms.

April 30, 2012

Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called for a new intifada to support the more than 4,000 Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel, hundreds of whom started a mass open-ended hunger-strike two weeks ago.

Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh called on April 30 for a new intifada to support Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel, who started a mass hunger-strike two weeks ago. The Hamas premier urged Arab and Muslim nations to intervene to support detainees, in remarks at a rally for prisoners in Gaza City.

February 9, 2012

Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan has been on hunger strike since Dec. 17, and Physicians for Human Rights now says that his life is at risk. His protest against administrative detention has sparked solidarity demonstrations across the West Bank.

Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan has been on hunger strike since Dec. 17, and Physicians for Human Rights now says that his life is at risk. This was also acknowledged by the Israeli Prison Service, which has transferred him from military detention on the West Bank to Ziv hospital in northern Israel, and said he had agreed to take potassium pills.

November 4, 2011

The Israeli government said it will move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" in East Jerusalem and the West Bank as a rebuttal to UNESCO's decision to grant Palestine full-member status. The US meanwhile cut funds to UNESCO.

The Israeli government immediately said it would move ahead with "sensitive housing projects" as a rebuttal to UNESCO's Oct. 31 decision to grant Palestine full-member status. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a forum of eight senior ministers formally decided the next day to initiate a new wave of settlement construction on the West Bank.

July 3, 2011

Hundreds of Palestinian detainees at Ashkelon prison, in Israel's south, continued their hunger strike into a second day following attacks by prison security forces, who fired tear-gas and beat detainees with batons and hoses.

Hundreds of Palestinian detainees at Ashkelon prison, in Israel's south, continued their hunger strike into a second day July 2 following attacks by prison security forces. Units of Israeli Prison Service raided the facility the day before, firing tear-gas and beating detainees with batons and hoses. Prisoners were later subject to abusive interrogations, strip searches, and other abuses.