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July 19, 2014

An anti-war march in Tel Aviv—under the banner “Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies!”— was attacked by right-wing thugs chanting "Death to Arabs!" 

On the night of July 17, some 1,000 anti-war demonstrators stood in the center of Tel Aviv for hours calling for an end to the bombardment and siege of Gaza.

July 17, 2014

Some 40 000 marched through central Cape Town to protest the Gaza "massacre" at South Africa's parliament, with banners reading "Israel is a racist apartheid regime."

An estimated 40 000 marched through central Cape Town July 16 to protest the Gaza "massacre" at South Africa's parliament.

May 27, 2013

A group of Israeli settlers destroyed over 100 olive trees in a Nablus village after spraying them with toxic chemicals, a Palestinian Authority official said.  

A group of Israeli settlers destroyed over 100 olive trees in a Nablus village on May 25 after spraying them with toxic chemicals, a Palestinian Authority official said.

January 18, 2012

Zionists respond to dissent by baiting their critics as anti-Semites, just as anti-Semites respond by baiting their critics as Jews. Birds of a feather.

I've had an interesting—and perversely satisfying—week on Facebook. Like I always say, there's nothing more vindicating than getting it from both sides.

November 8, 2011

Occupy Boston activists "stormed" the Israeli consulate in Beantown, chanting "Occupy Wall Street not Palestine." The activists were protesting the interception of the Gaza-bound "Freedom Waves" flotilla by Israeli naval forces the day before.

Occupy Boston activists "stormed" the Israeli consulate in Beantown Nov. 5 in protest of the Gaza blockade. The activists—chanting "Occupy Wall Street not Palestine"—were also protesting the interception of the Gaza-bound "Freedom Waves" flotilla by Israeli naval forces the day before.

November 4, 2011

Veteran French Resistance fighter Stéphane Hessel calls Israel's treatment of the Palestinians an "outrage" and violation of international law.

Stéphane Hessel, 93-year-old hero of the French Resistance, urges a new generation to renew the struggle for social justice in his book Indignez-vous! (rendered in translation as Time for Outrage!)—released just in time for the Occupy Wall Street protests.

September 8, 2011

FBI entrapment tactics so often used against Muslims in bogus "terrorism" cases were used against Stewart Nozette in a bogus "Israeli espionage" case. Yet there is practically no overlap among those who protest these respective abuses. Why is that?

Maryland-based scientist and Energy Department veteran Stewart Nozette pleaded guilty to attempted espionage in federal court and faces 13 years in prison, the Washington Post informs us Sept. 7.

July 6, 2011

The Tahrir, a Canadian ship taking part in the planned aid flotilla to Gaza, was forced to return to Aghios Nikolaos harbor in Crete after an attempt to reach international waters was thwarted by coast guards.

The Tahrir, a Canadian ship taking part in the planned aid flotilla to Gaza, was forced to return to Aghios Nikolaos harbor in Crete after an attempt to reach international waters was thwarted by coast guards after just 15 minutes on July 4.

May 31, 2011

Tzfat is supposed to be the land where Kabbalah was born. What I found in Tzfat was rampant racism toward Arabs and the Jewish Ethiopians. It was sort of like being in the Deep South pre-civil rights movement.

February 18, 2011

Jewish organizations are protesting the 27-year sentence handed down to Sholom Rubashkin, the kosher slaughterhouse CEO whose plant was raided for undocumented workers.

Sholom Rubashkin, former CEO of the Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse in Postville, Iowa—which made national headlines when it was the target of a massive ICE raid of undocumented workers in 2008—this week filed an appeal of his conviction to the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals. Rubashkin was convicted in November 2009 of 86 counts of fraud stemming from a $26.8 million loss to lenders after the immigration raid found nearly 400 undocumented workers at his plant. Although the indictment included charges of harboring unauthorized immigrants for profit, federal prosecutors opted not to pursue the immigration charges after the fraud conviction. A state trial acquitted him of knowingly employing underage workers.

February 13, 2011

Israeli military forces with bolldozers demolished the "unrecognized" Palestinian village of Dkaika in the Jordan Valley, leaving some 60 residents homeless.

On the morning of Jan. 12, a convoy of military vehicles and bulldozers arrived at the Palestinian village of Dkaika in the Jordan Valley, demolishing 16 homes, an animal pen, a store and one of the village school's classrooms. The demolition orders were issued because the structures were built without official permission—which is almost impossible for Palestinians to get.