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Content about oil

February 20, 2015

Did Argentina's President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner strike a secret deal with Tehran to cover up Iran's role in a terror attack in exchange for gauatntees of oil imports?

Organizers are claiming that up to half a million marched in the pouring rain in Buenos Aires Feb. 18 to demand justice in the case of Alberto Nisman, the prosecutor who was found dead in his apartment Jan.

December 21, 2014

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Israel to pay Lebanon over $850 million for an oil spill caused by air-strikes on a power station during the 2006 war.

The UN General Assembly on Dec. 20 approved a resolution calling upon Israel to pay Lebanon over $850 million in damages for an oil spill caused by air-strikes on storage tanks at the Jiyyeh power station during the 2006 war. The assembly voted 170-6 in favor of the nonbinding resolution, with three abstentions.

July 24, 2014

Development of the Gaza Marine 1 and 2 offshore blocs has been held up by conflict over the Strip and its waters. Is "Protective Edge" aimed at securing them under Israeli control?

Well, we don't think so either, actually.

July 13, 2013

I am officially renouncing my Project Censored award over the group's endorsement of an "anti-war" (sic) statement that betrays the Syrian opposition.

The latest statement from the poorly named United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) is entitled "No more wars—US out of the Middle

January 5, 2013

Leftists are ironically rallying around Chuck Hagel as Obama's apparent pick for Secretary of Defense—a conservative Republican who is wary of the neocons but close to Big Oil.

Talk of former Republican Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel's imminent nomination as Obama's new Secreaty of Defense has sparked all the predictable reactions—but they don't neatly break down along lines of right and left. MondoWeiss says the pick is "setting up a battle between the left and r

July 30, 2011

The latest round of UN-brokered Western Sahara negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front ended without agreement—as Rabat signed contracts with foreign oil companies to explore in the occupied territory.

The latest round of unofficial UN-brokered Western Sahara negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front ended without agreement last week, the Pentagon Africa Command's Magharebia news site reports

June 14, 2011

Glenn Greenwald hyperventilates about a WikiLeaks cable revealing that (gasp!) US oil companies didn't like Qaddafi, as he betrays the Libyan rebels by portraying "regime change" as just a cynical conspiracy by Exxon & ilk. 

Glenn Greenwald (who, as we have noted, has become rather annoying of late) has a sneeringly sarcastic screed in his 

May 27, 2011

New Jewish Resistance aspires to be a movement, not just a website—uniting all Jews who believe in fighting Jew-hatred in the diaspora and making common cause with the oppressed, not rallying around an illegitimate settler state. 

Jews are a multiplicity of ethnicities (Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardi, etc.) with common bonds of identity and shared histories of persecution. Whether or not you believe that these ethnicities together constitute a nation, Zionism is deeply inimical to Jewish interests and survival.