Your trusty blogger, long threatened by Zionist hoodlums for supporting Palestine, now finds out that he has an entry on "Metapedia," the Wikipedia for neo-Nazis.
We always say there's no vindication like getting it from both sides, but this is about as vindicating as it gets. Your trusty blogger has long taken pride that my name appears on the Jewish Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening (SHIT) List, compiled by some proverbial Zionist hoodlums who wish to intimidate critics of the settler state. I assume I won this honor through my bloggery, my anti-Zionist website New Jewish Resistance, and my interviews with Palestinian activists on WBAI over the years. It has certinaly been very handy for me—I can trot out this impeccable credential every time some anti-Semite accuses me of being "pro-Zionist" for calling out Jew-hatred. So now I was just pleased to find that I have my own hateful little entry in Metapedia, a sort of Wikipedia for neo-Nazis. (See their flattering entry for Adolf Hitler.) So the next time some Zionist hoodlum accuses me of being "self-hating," I'll know just what to do...
"Anonymous" attacked the website of the neo-Nazi outfit American Third Position, splashing internal e-mails on the group's homepage—to reveal that the "A3P" white supremacists are a well integrated into Ron Paul's political machine!
Us old-school lefties have been wondering for a quite some time, which is more annoying—the legions of "Anonymous" hacktivists who think that faceless adventurism is the cutting-edge of revolution, or Ron Paul supporters who think that this ultra-reactionary Republ
Zionists respond to dissent by baiting their critics as anti-Semites, just as anti-Semites respond by baiting their critics as Jews. Birds of a feather.
I've had an interesting—and perversely satisfying—week on Facebook. Like I always say, there's nothing more vindicating than getting it from both sides.
Members of U.S. Congress move to impose severe economic penalties on Palestine if it continues to seek statehood. This is an offense against the "democratic" values that both the U.S. and Israel purport to uphold.
Enshrined in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as fundamental human prerogatives are "the right of the people peaceablyto assemble, and to petition...for a redress of grievances." The amendment expressly banned Congress from abridging that right.
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