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Israeli firm SodaStream bills itself as eco-friendly by obviating the need for soda bottles—as it illegally operates on stolen Bedouin and Palestinian lands in the West Bank.

Hundreds of neo-Nazis attempted to march on Dresden to crash commemorations of the 1945 Allied bombardment, and were blocked by a human chain of thousands of anti-fascists. 

Knesset candidate Jeremy Gimpel sparked outrage when Israeli TV broadcast footage of him joking before a Florida church group of plans to "blow up" the Dome of the Rock.

Palestinian youth have established a protest encampment in E1 Corridor, where Israel plans to build settlements linking Jerusalem with the Ma’ale Adumim settlement bloc. 

Some 20 settlers rioted in the West Bank village of Jallud, shattering the windows of one home, assaulting three residents and vandalizing cars before fleeing the scene.

Israeli forces delivered evacuation orders to around 100 Palestinian families in the northern Jordan Valley ahead of a training exercise, declaring the area a "closed military zone."

Palestinian Authority employees, who held a general strike last week, will shut down the West Bank again this week to protest non-payment of their salaries due to Israeli sanctions.