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Following a legal battle by rights groups, Israel released the "Red Line" document, establishing minimum daily caloric intake necessary for the survival of Gaza's inhabitants.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he would resign if that was the will of the people, amid growing protests across the West Bank over the rising cost of living.

Israel's Supreme Court ordered the state to release the "red lines document" which purportedly established the minimum caloric intake required for the survival of Gaza residents.

Rachel Corrie's family called the Haifa District Court ruling rejecting their lawsuit a "black day for human rights"—while Israeli officials welcome it as a long-due exoneration.

Holocaust-denying comments by a Hamas official win international coverage, while an Israeli military invasion of al-Aqsa Mosque received practically no mainstream reportage.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered the demolition of eight Palestinian villages in the hills south of Hebron, saying the Israeli military needs the land for training exercises. A total of 1,500 residents will be evicted.

Some anti-Zionists seem to think having Neturei Karta on their side inoculates them against charges of anti-Semitism. Hopefully, after the latest incident at Israel's Holocaust museum, they are disabused of such illusions.