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Content about Gaza War

June 1, 2015

As Israel launches new air-strikes on the Gaza Strip in response to a cross-border rocket, an Amnesty International report accuses Hamas of killing and torturing dissidents.

The Israeli air force carried out four strikes on targets in the Gaza Strip hours after a cross-border rocket landed in the city of Ashdod May 26. The planes targeted training camps belonging to the Islamic Jihad in Rafah, Khan Yunis and Gaza City. There were no immediate reports of casualties.

August 27, 2014

As a ceasefire went into effect, Hamas urged Gazans to take to the streets and "celebrate victory and the fulfillment of the Palestinian people's demands."

Immediately after the Gaza ceasefire went into effect the evening of Aug.

August 15, 2014

Palestinian Islamic leaders said a long-term ceasefire and lifting of the siege on Gaza would be announced soon, claiming "great progress" in negotiations.

July 28, 2014

As Israel resumed its bombardment of Gaza, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stressed that the group was ready to "coexist with the Jews" but would not tolerate "occupiers."

Israel resumed its bombardment of the Gaza Strip for the 20th day on July 27, as Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal stressed that the group was ready to "coexist with the Jews" but would not tolerate "occupiers." The Israeli assault on Gaza continued after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to renew a ceasefire agreed to earlier in the day after he claimed Palestin

July 24, 2014

Development of the Gaza Marine 1 and 2 offshore blocs has been held up by conflict over the Strip and its waters. Is "Protective Edge" aimed at securing them under Israeli control?

Well, we don't think so either, actually.

December 19, 2013

Some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are strangely unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Damascus refugee camp now besieged by Syrian regime forces.

Isn't it utterly absurd that there are some aghast at the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and utterly unconcerned with that in Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus now besieged by forces loyal to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad... and vice versa...? A brutal winter storm in the region has exacerbated the suffering in both blockaded enclaves, and most Palestinians assuredly grasp the obvious symmetry. In some quarters, however, a sort of ideological blindness seems to prevail: Assad's apologists are of course outraged at the agony in Gaza, but find that in Yarmouk invisible. The US State Department, in turn, exploits Yarmouk for propaganda against Assad, while displaying no such concern for Gaza...

December 4, 2013

Members of families who lost relatives in Israel's 2008 war on Gaza staged a mass suicide attempt in protest over unpaid compensations from the Hamas government.

Seventeen members of families who lost relatives in Israel's 2008 war on Gaza staged a mass suicide attempt in protest over unpaid compensations from the Hamas government, a representative said.

October 28, 2013

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip after militants fired rockets into Israel—the first such exchanges in over two months.

Israeli air-strikes targeted the northern Gaza Strip on Oct. 28, Israel's army said, in the first air-strike on Gaza in over two months. "In response to the numerous rockets and mortars launched at Israel in the past 24 hours, IAF aircraft targeted two concealed rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip.

November 19, 2012

Ariel Sharon's son in the Jerusalem Post calls for "flattening Gaza" and invokes Hiroshima, as Operation Pillar of Cloud continues. Over 100 Palestinians have been killed in the strikes.

In news that shocked the world Nov. 18, an Israeli bomb destroyed a Gaza City home, killing 11 people, including nine from three generations of a single family—from a grandmother to a two-year-old child.

November 14, 2012

Israel's armed forces launched multiple air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, after killing Ahmad al-Jaabari, the head of Hamas' military wing the Qassam Brigades.

Israel's armed forces launched multiple air-strikes across the Gaza Strip Nov.

November 9, 2012

Noam Chomsky, writing on his visit to Gaza, gets numerous facts wrong. But worse is his acceptance of the "two-state solution," a betrayal of secular-democratic principles.

Noam Chomksy is held in such God-like reverence by the leftoid legions we get a kick out of calling him out on the things he gets egregiously wrong.

August 5, 2011

Israeli security forces restricted access to al-Aqsa mosque, fired tear gas at anti-wall protesters in the West Bank village of Bil'in, and launched air-strikes on Gaza on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Israeli soldiers fired tear gas Aug. 5 to disperse the weekly anti-wall protest in the Palestinian village of  Bil'in, west of Ramallah on the  West Bank—marking the first Friday of the Ramadan holy month. (Ma'an News Agency, Aug.

July 7, 2011

As participants in the Gaza flotilla return to the US, their ships impounded by the Greek coast guard, Israel and the blockade-busters are waging a propaganda war to spin the affair before world opinion.

The French-flagged Dignite, which slipped past the Greek coast guard bound for Gaza earlier this week, was detained by the coast guard while refueling in Crete July 7. A Greek official told CNN that the ship would not be allowed to continue on to Gaza.