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Content about Islam

July 31, 2015

Violence was reported across the West Bank and Jerusalem, as Palestinians protested the "price tag" killing of an 18-month-old infant in Duma, near Nablus.

Violence was reported across the West Bank and Jerusalem July 31, as Palestinians protested the "price tag" killing of an 18-month-old infant in Duma, near Nablus. The 18-month-old was killed an arson attack when suspected Israeli settlers smashed the windows of two homes in Duma, throwing flammable liquids and Molotov cocktails inside and catching the homes ablaze.

June 23, 2015

A report by the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict finds that both Israel and Hamas may have committed war crimes during the 51-day conflict.

A report released June 22 by the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict finds that both Israel and Hamas may have committed war crimes during the 51-day conflict.

June 2, 2015

The self-proclaimed "Supporters of the Islamic State in Jerusalem" issued a 48-hour ultimatum for the Hamas administration to halt its crackdown on the group in Gaza.

The self-proclaimed "Supporters of the Islamic State in Jerusalem" on June 2 issued a 48-hour ultimatum for the Hamas administration to halt its crackdown on the group in the Gaza Strip, although it made no explicit threat of action if the deadline is not met. The militants also claimed responsibility for a rocket fired at Israel from

December 9, 2014

Air-strikes on landmark civilian buildings during Israel's Gaza campaign in August amounted to war crimes, Amnesty International charges in a new report.

Air-strikes on landmark buildings at the tail end of the Israeli military's "Operation Protective Edge" in Gaza in August were a deliberate and direct attack on civilian buildings and amount to war crimes, Amnesty International charges in a new report.

August 21, 2014

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speec that Israel had "failed" in its assault on Gaza and called upon the Palestinian negotiating delegation in Cairo to return home.

Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a televised speech on Aug.

August 2, 2014

Elie Wiesel asks the world to stand with "the people of Israel" in their "struggle for survival"—but only those in Gaza "who reject terror and embrace peace."

Elie Wiesel—yet again—seems to find himself on the wrong side, this time in a full-page ad he took out in US newspapers (PDF), problematicallly entitled: "Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago.

May 19, 2014

Protests are mounting over a supposedly Islamophobic film to be screened at New York City's newly opened Ground Zero museum—yet few people have actually seen it. What is the truth here?

A new development in the interminable culture wars over New York City's Ground Zero emerges as the site's museum finally opens. We've already noted outrage over the crass commercialism at the museum's souvenir shop (!).

December 4, 2013

Members of families who lost relatives in Israel's 2008 war on Gaza staged a mass suicide attempt in protest over unpaid compensations from the Hamas government.

Seventeen members of families who lost relatives in Israel's 2008 war on Gaza staged a mass suicide attempt in protest over unpaid compensations from the Hamas government, a representative said.

March 23, 2013

As Obama left Israel for Jordan, two Palestinian youths were critically wounded as Israeli forces fired rubber-coated steel bullets on protesters at Anata north of Jerusalem.

Israeli forces surrounded but did not ultimately attack the Ahfad Younis protest camp estabished by Palestinian activists outside Jerusalem during Obama's visit to Israel and the West Bank.

November 14, 2012

Israel's armed forces launched multiple air-strikes across the Gaza Strip, after killing Ahmad al-Jaabari, the head of Hamas' military wing the Qassam Brigades.

Israel's armed forces launched multiple air-strikes across the Gaza Strip Nov.

July 18, 2012

Five Israeli tourists are blown up at a Bulgarian resort. Netanyahu wastes not a minute in blaming Hezbollah. Conspiranoid websites waste not a minute in calling it an Israeli "false flag" attack. Birds of a feather.

No surprises here. A bomb goes off in a tour bus in the Black Sea resort city of Burgas, Bulgaria, killing five Israelis and wounding some 30. Netanyahu wastes not a minute: "All signs point to Iran. In just the past few months we've seen Iran try to target Israelis in Thailand, India, Georgia, Cyprus and more. The murderous Iranian terror continues to target innocent people.

September 10, 2011

Xenophobes and Christian fundamentalists are behind the anti-sharia measures now passed or pending in more than a dozen states—but secular progressives resist efforts to impose sharia on the unwilling in the Muslim world. Can we avoid confusion?

Oklahoma's constitutional amendment that bars the state's judges form considering sharia law is heading to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, after Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange ruled it unconstitutional, saying "the will of the ‘majority’ has on occasion conflicted with the constitutional rights of individuals." Oklahomans voted up the amendment last yea

July 30, 2011

As pledged, Egypt's Salafists marched en masse on Tahrir Square, where the secular opposition was holding a thousands-strong rally. No violence was reported, but the Salafists were clearly vying with secularists for control of the square.

As promised, Egypt's self-declared "Salafists" marched en masse on Tahrir Square, where secular opposition groups were holding a thousands-strong rally on Friday July 29. No violence was reported, but the Salafists were clearly vying with the secularists for control of the square—and the message.

July 28, 2011

Egypt's Gama’a Islamia has re-emerged with a threat to clear Cario's Tahrir Square of "liberals and traitors" ahead of this Friday's protest mobilization. The threat comes on the heels of violent clashes between protesters and regime elements.

Forebodings are in the air about tomorrow's Friday demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square following two violent clashes between protesters and regime elements in Egypt over the past days. On June 23, knife-wielding thugs—apparently supporters of the ruling military council—set on thousands of activists determined to march on the defense ministry.

July 26, 2011

Accused Oslo bomber Anders Behring Breivik in his manifesto demonizes the Muslims of ex-Yugoslavia as a jihadist menace—as do professional conspiranoids like Wayne Madsen who accuse him of being  a Mossad agent.

Media reports have noted that accused Oslo bomber Anders Behring Breivik indicated through his online spewings that he is a fan of professional IslamophobePam Geller, who led the protes

July 6, 2011

Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the US has made contact with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood—just as the organization has broken ranks with the protesters.

On July 4, clashes again broke out between protesters and security forces in Cairo after a court released on bail seven police officers accused of killing 17 protesters in Suez during the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak in February. After an initial outburst of violence at the Cairo courthouse, protesters blocked the highway linking the Egyptian capital to the city of Suez.

July 3, 2011

Israeli police limited access to al-Aqsa Mosque in a precautionary measure after clashes in Jerusalem. Meanwhile haredi Jews clashed with police over the arrest of Rabbi Yaakov Yosef on suspicion of inciting violence.

Israeli police on July 1 limited access to Jerusalem's al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock for Friday prayers in a precautionary measure a day after clashes in the Old City.

June 18, 2011

In a truly ghastly spectacle, the professional Islamophobe set is descending like a flock of vultures on Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner, portraying her as a jihadist agent in a subversive anti-American conspiracy.

In a truly ghastly spectacle, the professional Islamophobe set is descending like a flock of vultures on Huma Abedin, the new wife of New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, who has notoriously just stepped down after being caught in a "sexting" scandal.

June 11, 2011

Dozens of armed Israeli settlers attacked residents of Qusra village in the northern West Bank, as Israeli troops broke up a an anti-settlement rally in Iraq Burin and conducted raids across the occupied territory.